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Inaugural birding festival to honor Randy Smith, longtime Hungry Mother volunteer

By Guest BloggerPosted February 22, 2024
Hungry Mother State Park is hosting a new birding festival. Life's Extras Birding Celebration will honor the life of long-time volunteer and Virginia Master Naturalist Randy Smith. It will be held at the park May 3-5, 2024.

5 ways to spend more time in nature in 2024

By Starr AndersonPosted January 18, 2024
If your New Year’s resolution is to spend more time outside this year, look no further than Virginia State Parks. With 42 unique parks from the Cumberland Gap to the Atlantic Ocean, the opportunities for outdoor adventures are endless.
Sweet Run State Park

Slowing down to see the signs of spring

By Adam DanielPosted March 16, 2023
Spring break is a great time to get outside and see the returning wildlife. Hike a few trails and see what life is budding outside at a state park.
Hike with friends during spring break

Winter Wildlife Adventures at Virginia State Parks

By Kim WellsPosted January 11, 2023
Wintertime is the perfect time to view wildlife at a Virginia State Park. Enjoy a ranger-led or self-guided program that showcases the birds and wildlife that reside at the park. Bring your binoculars so you can better view these stunning animals.
Tundra Swans at Mason Neck

Count Birds for Science: The Great Backyard Bird Count

By Andrew SporrerPosted February 10, 2022
Every year, the Cornell Ornithology Lab asks the public to count birds in the name of science. Join us in the Great Backyard Bird Count at a park near you!
A Painted Bunting at Kiptopeke State Park, Virginia.

A Win-win for the Winged Ones (Aircraft and Birds)

By Laura SchliesskePosted March 05, 2021
Visitors to Sky Meadows State Park are likely to look to the sky and catch a glimpse of one of several raptor species. Some of these soaring hunters have found themselves here with the help of human intervention.
Since 2014, 653 raptors have been relocated to Sky Meadows, from Dulles International Airport.

Osprey & Prey Season

By John GreshamPosted March 01, 2021
Osprey are flying back to the area. So are their favorite fish.
Osprey vs. Shad

Top 5 Features of the Sensory Explorers’ Trail

By Ryan SelovePosted September 15, 2020
Sky Meadow State Park Sensory Explorer Trail
SK trail head sign for Sensory Explorers

Meet the Marsh: Grass & Sky

By John GreshamPosted August 20, 2020
Discover what birds and plants live in the marshes at York River State Park
Up close in the marsh

Birds of Prey at Sky Meadows State Park

By Laura SchliesskePosted August 10, 2020
Sky Meadows State Park is known for its vast variety of birds and wildlife, including beautiful birds of prey known as raptors.
Volunteers working at the park

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